
True love for singer-designer Kristof Buntinx (in the red-light district!)

By Kristof Buntinx

True love for singer-designer Kristof Buntinx (in the red-light district!)

Love can totally mess up one’s life. Many people on the Boulevard of Broken Hearts are deeply disappointed in Cupid’s decisions. But they can now take comfort in Pussycat, a new song by Kristof Buntinx about a surprisingly wonderful love story.

Where do artists find their inspiration? In the case of the beautiful Pussycat, it was when Kristof was on his way to an appointment with a musician. He walked past a window and noticed a pretty cat behind the white lace curtains, sitting on the windowsill. Kristof — who has an eye for beauty — wanted to take a picture of the animal, but its owner brutally snatched it away, in front of Kristof’s very eyes. Totally bewildered, he continued his walk. The scene left a deep impression on Kristof and the song Pussycat was created in no time when he and the musician started jamming.

In the song, however, the cat behind the window has become a hooker. And Kristof, just like Richard Gere in the blockbuster Pretty Woman, immediately falls under her spell. Love at first sight, so to speak, in the red-light district. And while the relationship in the movie turns out to be impossible, Kristof knows how to handle a girl. He takes the hooker home, throws his wife — a terrible shrew — out and marries his streetgirl.

The melodious music to this love story is elusively sweet, like a summer breeze caressing your sweaty forehead. It’s the combination of the cheerfulness in the composition and the unusual lyrics that makes this song a joy to listen to.

In 1965 Sir Tom Jones sang “What's New Pussycat?”… The answer to that question is simple: a new song by Kristof Buntinx that is definitely worth listening to.

Discover Pussycat here:

Lyrics: Kristof Buntinx

Music: Ian Rigillo

Mix & production: Sam Pieter Janssens aka Klankman

Mastering: Gert Van Hoof aka Cochlea Mastering

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HURRAY! GLAD TO BE GAY! The Gay Anthem: new song by Kristof Buntinx

By Kristof Buntinx

HURRAY! GLAD TO BE GAY! The Gay Anthem: new song by Kristof Buntinx

With Swiss clock-like regularity Kristof Buntinx keeps on releasing new songs. Although the word "new" does not quite cover his latest one, since The Gay Anthem had been hiding in Kristof’s closet for several years and is only now coming out.

In the long, hot summer of 1976, when Kristof was a little one-year-old toddler, Tom Robinson could be heard singing "Glad to Be Gay" on the radio. Today, more than forty years later, Buntinx is launching his own gay anthem worldwide.

The song is infectious, dynamic and as danceable as can be. With lyrics that will make you blush. The Gay Anthem is about lust and being overcome by an enormous appetite for sex. It describes how a bloke is looking for a "hot and horny man". Nowadays people do that mainly online and so the main character from the song is searching on Grindr, a dating app that helps gay and bisexual men find each other.

No matter how horny the gentleman is feeling, he has got his preferences. He is not looking for fairies or transgender people, but wants a big, muscular guy with African roots. And he wants to do everything with and for him. He even wants to be his Yoko Ono. The Beatles fans who know John Lennon well exactly know what that means.

To be clear: it is the gay character from the song who has his preferences and who excludes certain people. Buntinx himself is open-minded. Freedom of thought, you know. Although Buntinx is convinced that the gay community is making itself weaker by splitting itself up into L, G, B, T, Q, I, A and +. He thinks the community would be better off if it spoke with one voice.

Anyway, Kristof's voice can be heard in The Gay Anthem. Listen to the song and enjoy it gaynormously!

Discover The Gay Anthem here:


Lyrics & vocals: Kristof Buntinx

Music: Ian Rigillo

Mix: Sam Pieter Janssens aka Klankman

Mastering: Cochlea

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By Kristof Buntinx


We are experiencing a bizarre holiday. The summer of 2020 will forever be remembered as a staycation. If you want to get some tropical sun without risking ending up in red coded areas, listen to ‘My Island’, a new song by Kristof Buntinx. The song deserves a big fat green light because it is a delicious earworm that you won’t easily forget.

Let's play Wikipedia: just below the southern tip of Florida, in the Caribbean, you’ll find the Bahamas - an archipelago of some 700 islands and 2000 coral plates, with miles-long white sandy beaches. The ocean, full of sparkling coral reefs, is emerald green. No surprise that Kristof Buntinx wants to take us to that dreamy paradise.

‘My Island’ begins with murmuring waves and steel drums, which immediately immerse us in a  sultry Caribbean atmosphere. They are followed by some of the happiest sounds that you will hear this summer. Add the lyrics to that and you will be able to imagine yourself on an exotic 5 star luxury holiday resort. Who wouldn't want to be offered a Coconut Drink by an elegant Bahama mama?

Just like the cheeky Buntinx has been called "René Magritte's prodigal son," his song ‘My Island’ can be considered a cousin of Harry Belafonte's ‘Island In The Sun’. The island that Kristof sings about is a heavenly paradise on earth where the singer warmly welcomes us. You will quickly forget about headaches and coronavirus fuzz in this peaceful place full of yellow flowers, with colourful lanterns in the trees, where you can dance all night.

On his island, Buntinx doesn’t need beefy hunks and sultry temptresses to seduce you. A handful of cheerful notes and a sing-along text do the job. Even people who are camping in rainy weather will feel happy when they hear this summer hit.

You don’t need an atlas or Google Earth, just discover ‘My Island’ here:


Lyrics: Kristof Buntinx

Music: Bram Van Duffel

Mix & production: Sam Pieter Janssens aka Klankman

Mastering: Gert Van Hoof aka Cochlea Mastering

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Kristof Buntinx releases his inner patriot

By Kristof Buntinx

Kristof Buntinx releases his inner patriot

For patriotic ladies and gentlemen the month of July contains several highlights: the Americans celebrate the Fourth of July, the French their quatorze juillet and the Belgians their national holiday on 21 July. It is not a coincidence that citizen of the world Kristof Buntinx is releasing his new song ‘Patriot’ right now.

One jam session, that was all Kristof Buntinx needed to create ‘Patriot’. The lyrics were improvised in one go as if a volcano suddenly erupted. The singer-designer still doesn't know exactly who or what inspired him. The song tells the story of an American Democrat who is gay and who has a 3-year-old child. The man is struggling with a paradox. On the one hand, he is very patriotic, but on the other hand, he doesn’t want to be sent to war to die for his country.

Why do we have to shed our blood and why do people have to sacrifice their lives? What’s the point? The question that Buntinx poses matches perfectly well with songs such as ‘Why can't we live together’ (Timmy Thomas) or ‘War’ (The Temptations/Edwin Starr), which was covered by (amongst others) Bruce Springsteen and the gentlemen of Frankie Goes To Hollywood.

While in America certain movements are promoting armed insurrection, Buntinx sings about how pointless war - and cannon fodder - actually is. The music of ‘Patriot’ is exactly what you would expect from a song like this: solid and sharp, with the occasional hint of imminent danger and impending doom.

‘Patriot’ feels like an artistic uppercut. We have no idea if Joe Biden, the US Democratic presidential candidate, is looking for campaign music, but someone should recommend ‘Patriot’ to him!

Discover ‘Patriot’ here:


Lyrics: Kristof Buntinx

Mix & production: Sam Pieter Janssens aka Klankman

Mastering: Gert Van Hoof aka Cochlea Mastering

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By Kristof Buntinx


Kristof Buntinx is a couturier from Brussels who has been making the world a more beautiful and colorful place for more than 20 years with his unique creations. This multi-talent is also musically active and with summer approaching, he releases the beautiful song ‘Missing Link’.

Kristof Buntinx is an extravagant Belgian who designs and sells clothing, bags, hats, jewellery, interior accessories and home decoration. Quirky, often even visionary, he goes his own way. For the most famous Flemish singer Dana Winner, he designed a high-tech cybercouture dress with 6000 LED lights and a price tag of 77,000 euros. He caused a furore with his Dustbin Lid-hat on Royal Ascot, the most famous horse race in the world. He donated crown jewels, made of everyday coins, to the Belgian queen Paola. And he angered Vladimir Putin with pro-gay boxer shorts that protested the Russian president's gay politics.

This eccentric designer, as surreal as the famous painter René Magritte, also has a passion for music. As a boy, he sang with his mother in the church choir conducted by his father. And as he went through hard times, it was music therapy that got him back on top and made him discover that he can make songs himself.

One of these songs is “Mising Link” in which Kristof sings about artificial insemination. A theme that other artists don't mention, but Kristof likes the unusual.

Musically "Missing Link" fits perfectly with the summer because it makes you instantly happy. The music is festive and as fast as a sperm cell that wants to reach the egg first.

Kristof Buntinx likes to put a message in his lyrics. Initially, he had reservations about artificial insemination and IVF. Because when it is God's will that you cannot have a baby, you have to accept that. But an acquaintance with someone who had a son who was born through artificial insemination changed his mind. But Kristof hopes those kids aren't going to be bullied because they're “different”. He himself has been bullied many times in his life and knows that every reason for bullies is enough to make your life hell.

“Missing Link” combines a beautiful message with a fresh and cheerful sound. Bring on the 2020 holiday ! This song deserves to be on your summer soundtrack.

Discover Missing Link online :


Lyrics : Kristof Buntinx

Music     : Goedele Van kerkhoven

Mix & production : Sam Pieter Janssens aka Klankman

Mastering : Gert Van Hoof aka Cochlea Mastering

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België is beroemd voor zijn frieten, chocolade en bier. En nu komt daar nog Buntinx bij.

By Kristof Buntinx

België is beroemd voor zijn frieten, chocolade en bier. En nu komt daar nog Buntinx bij.

Maak kennis met Kristof Buntinx, een couturier die vanuit Brussel al meer dan 20 jaar de wereld mooier en kleurrijker maakt met zijn unieke creaties. Dit multi-talent is ook muzikaal actief en hij releaset in juni, één van de populairste maanden om te trouwen, het nummer ‘De Bruid’.

Kristof Buntinx is een te gekke Belg die kleding, tassen, hoeden, juwelen, interieuraccessoires en home-decoratie ontwerpt en verkoopt. Eigenzinnig, vaak zelfs visionair, gaat hij z’n eigen weg. Hij stopte zangeres Dana Winner in een hoogtechnologische cybercouture-jurk met 6000 led-lichtjes en een prijskaartje van 77.000 euro. Hij stal de show met zijn Vuilnisbakdekselhoed op Royal Ascot, de beroemdste paardenrace ter wereld. Hij schonk Kroonjuwelen, gemaakt van alledaagse geldstukjes, aan de Belgische koningin Paola. En hij schopte tegen de schenen van Vladimir Poetin met pro gay-boxershorts die tegen de homopolitiek van de Russische president gericht waren.

Deze excentrieke designer die met trots de bijnaam “de verloren zoon van de surrealistische schilder René Magritte” draagt, is ook gebeten door de muzikale microbe. Als jongetje zong hij met z’n moeder in het kerkkoor dat door zijn vader gedirigeerd werd. En toen het leven hem later een paar klappen uitdeelde, was het muziektherapie die hem er weer bovenop bracht en hem deed ontdekken dat hij zelf liedjes kan maken.

Eén van die songs is ‘De Bruid’. Wie trouwen zegt, denkt meteen aan romantisch gemijmer zoals in ‘Morgen ben ik de bruid’ van Willeke Alberti of aan huwelijksklokken die luiden. Maar in het nummer van Buntinx hoor je geen ‘bim-bam-bom’ maar wel ‘tuut-tuut’. Het lawaai van een aanstormende trein die afstevent op een bruid die op de sporen staat en genoeg heeft van het leven. Geen alledaags thema voor een liedje maar dat compenseert de artiest ruimschoots met de muziek die vederlicht is en je zalig tegemoet swingt.

Buntinx denkt nooit in hokjes. Hij wisselt Engelstalige songs af met Nederlandstalig repertoire. In ‘De Bruid’ verplaatst hij zich in een man die vertelt over zijn geliefde. Andere kerels stonden voor haar in een rij, maar ze koos voor hem. Helaas kwam er een abrupt einde aan hun huwelijk. Nu mist hij zijn vrouw én haar liefde, maar hij vindt troost wanneer hij haar boven de wolken in een witte jurk ziet verschijnen.

Dit nummer, dat opgenomen werd in de kapel van een voormalig klooster, is een liefdeslied met een weerhaak. Maar dat maakt de song uniek. Want wat is er mooier dan de liefde die niet ophoudt waar het leven eindigt?

Ontdek De Bruid hier :


Lyrics : Kristof Buntinx

Music     : Jan Soenen en Tenzen Hu

Mix & production : Sam Pieter Janssens aka Klankman

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By Kristof Buntinx


Kristof Buntinx, the Brussels designer with a passion for music, recently decided that he would release a brand new song every three weeks. At the end of April he gave us the very danceable 'You're in the army now', and now he is releasing the wonderful 'Maria, Maria'.

Music and lyrics call up the image of a desolate Mexican landscape. At night, in a deserted village, a lonely poor beggar is sitting against a half collapsed wall of a dilapidated house. In despair he is staring into thin air. Suddenly a bright star in the sky catches his eye. Its light brings hope into the dark night and reminds the man of the holy Mother Mary.

The latin inspired 'Maria Maria' evokes a quiet southern atmosphere. The lyrics of the song fit this time of year wonderfully, since for Catholics, May is Mary month. Although, for the singer, Maria in the song also symbolizes a loving and protective mother figure, who is always willing to comfort her child in her arms. Even if everybody lets you down, you will still have your mom to fall back on.

In May we celebrate Mother's Day. This beautiful song by Buntinx is a lovely gift and a tender tribute to unconditional motherly love.

Discover 'Maria, Maria' here:

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By Kristof Buntinx


Kristof Buntinx is a Brussels designer, noted for enriching the fashion and design world with his beautiful creations. Time and again, he has proven he knows how to strike home. Since music is one of his passions too, he will release a brand new song every 3 weeks, starting the 28th of April.

'You‘re in the army now' is the title of the first song to be released. It's a dance track that the Pet Shop Boys would definitely approve of. At first you might think that in this song Buntinx is calling on us to help fight the novel coronavirus, but that would be a mistake. If you carefully listen to the lyrics, flowing over a nice beat, you'll hear a fallen soldier who played with toy soldiers as a child, but who - at the frontline - found out what a hell war can be.

'You‘re in the army now' is a reminder by Kristof Buntinx that we should not forget those areas in the world where armed conflicts are still raging, while COVID-19 gets all the attention in the news. The fact that he has brilliantly succeeded in wrapping that message in a wonderful song, which makes you dance first and think next, is a great achievement.

Discover 'You‘re in the army now' here:

Lyrics: Kristof Buntinx

Music: Ines Cottignie

Production: Sam Pieter Janssens

Mastering: Gert Van Hoof

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